Privacy Policy

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Welcome to The Right Pillar Privacy Policy and cookie Policy . The Privacy Policy explains how we collect , use  and disclose personal data (as defined herein) related to your use of our Services.


Who we are

Suggested text: When we mention “The Right Pillar”, “we”, “us” or “our” in this Privacy Policy, we mean The Right Pillar, or the relevant The Right Pillar company responsible for processing your data.

About this privacy notice 

This Privacy Policy does not apply to any third parties you may interact with through our Services. From time to time, we work with third parties to provide you with products, promotions or other experiences. If those third parties will receive your personal data, we will make their privacy policy available to you. We may process your personal data when you act as a business partner such as vendor, supplier, distributor, retailer, or service provider or when you apply or are a candidate for employment at The Right Pillar. 

        What personal data we collect and how

            Personal data you provide to us.

                 We collect data you provide directly to us.

  • Account data. If you sign up for a account (“Account”), we will collect your name, email address, username and password, and any other information needed to set-up your Account. We describe this more fully in Section  below.
  • Payment data. To order products or services through our Services, you will need to provide us with payment information (like your bank account or credit card information). Please note that your financial information is collected and stored by our third party payment processing company. Use and storage of that data is governed by the third party payment processor’s applicable privacy policy.
  • Purchase data. If you make a purchase from a third party after clicking on an affiliate link through the Services, we will receive data about the purchase so that we can get credit for sending you to that third party..
  • Public Account data. You may provide additional data as part of your Account (such as your personal description). This data will be publicly visible to others. If you do not wish to share this information with others, or us do not provide the information as part of your Account.
  • Other data you share through the Services or to BuzzFeed. You may provide us with data when you fill in a form, conduct a search, update or add information to your Account, respond to surveys, post to community forums, provide us with feedback, participate in promotions, or use other features of the Services.

 Data that we collect automatically about your browser and device.

When you access or use the Services, we use cookies and similar technologies that collect information about your browser and device:

  • Log Data. We automatically receive and record information from your device or web browser when you interact with the Services. For example, we collect your internet protocol (IP) address, mobile device ID, time zone setting, language preference, operating system, platform, internet service provider (ISP), and links you have clicked on or shared with others, including through email and social media.
  • Account ID. If you sign up for an Account, we also create a user ID that indirectly identifies you. We use this information to collect data about your activities through the Services.
  • Cookie Data. When you visit the Services, we will set certain “cookies” and similar tracking technologies on your device, including cookies and web beacons (“Cookies”).

We also may use these technologies to collect data about your online activities over time and across third-party websites or other online services (behavioral tracking).

The information we collect automatically may include personal data, or we may maintain it or associate it with personal data we collect in other ways or receive from third parties.

 Location data.

We use your IP address to infer your approximate location. We may also collect the language option or country you choose. When we provide certain services, such as providing you with a version of our Services that is localized to your country, we link location data to other information we have collected about you to provide you with a localized experience.

 Profile data.

If you sign up for an Account, we will collect the data you give us as part of your Account sign-up, information you give us in connection with purchases or orders made by you, and your interests, preferences, feedback and survey responses. Your interests and preferences are inferred from data we collect regarding the content you have interacted with, how long you interacted with them, how often you interacted with them, and the nature of your interaction with the content. We do not disclose email addresses to other users except where it is necessary to comply with the law, to protect our rights, or to protect the rights of our users.

 Special category data.

When we conduct research or carry out surveys and you participate in our research or surveys, we may collect sensitive personal data about you, for example, information about your racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, sex life or sexual orientation. We will get your explicit consent for our collection, use, or sharing of this data as required by law.

      Aggregated data

 We analyze and aggregate personal data we collect, such as the number and frequency of your visits to the Services, to produce anonymized metrics and statistical information that does not identify you as an individual.

 We combine information about you with information about other users to create audience segments of aggregated data, for example, statistical, demographic and usage data. If we combine or connect aggregated data with your personal data, we treat the combined data as personal data and treat it in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

             How we collect personal data

 From You. You may give us your personal data directly, for example when you create an Account, fund us by donation, support us by paying for a subscription, buy products or services, subscribe to our newsletters, opt-in to marketing communications, publish posts or comments, enter a competition, participate in a promotion or survey, ask for user support, or contact us for any reason.

 Using Cookies. We collect information about your devices and browsing actions and interests by using cookies and similar technologies. 

 From our Advertising Partners. Third parties who provide advertising and related services (such as analytics providers and ad networks, our “Advertising Partners” may give us your personal data so that we can compare it to personal data we hold in order to determine if you are the same individual (this is sometimes called “cookie-matching”). We may collect data from unaffiliated third parties so we can better understand you and provide you with information and offers that may be of interest to you. For example, we may receive information about your interests or preferences as well as contact information, such as email address.

 From our Advertisers and Affiliate Partners. We may receive your personal data from third parties when you buy things through our Services or when you buy things from a third party after clicking on an affiliate link in our content. This information may include your contact details and financial and transaction data (such as items purchased and purchase price) from providers of technical, payment and delivery services.

 From Social Media Platforms. If you access our Services using your Facebook or Google credentials, we will automatically collect certain information, such as your Facebook or Google user ID. We will use any information collected from Facebook or Google, including the user ID Facebook or Google attribute to you, only in accordance with Facebook’s or Google’s policies and your preferences selected through Facebook or Google.

 How we use your data:

We use the data we collect to provide, maintain, and improve our Services. We also use the data we collect to:

  • Send you technical notices, updates, security alerts and support and administrative messages and to respond to your comments, questions and customer service requests;
  • Communicate with you about products, services, offers, and events offered by BuzzFeed and others, and provide news and information we think will be of interest to you;
  • Make inferences about your interests and preferences (including at a household level).  Your interests and preferences are inferred from data we collect about the content you have interacted with, how long you interacted with them, how often you interacted with them, and the nature of your interaction with the content;
  • Personalize and improve the Services and provide you with advertisements, content or features that match your profile, activities or interests; 
  • Customize content that our third-party Advertising Partners deliver on the Services (such as personalized third-party advertising);
  • Creating and updating profiles and audience segments that can be used for analytics, interested-based advertising and marketing on the Services, and on websites, mobile apps and other platforms controller by our advertisers and other third party advertising partners (“Third Party Sites”)  
  • We may use information about you, such as your email address, to identify you across the devices you use to access the Services, as well as offline.  This helps us learn more about your interests and preferences, which we use for advertising on the Services and Third Party Sites.
  • Facilitate contests, sweepstakes and promotions and process and deliver entries and rewards;
  • Monitor and analyze trends, usage and activities in connection with our Services and personalize and improve the Services;
  • Detect, investigate and prevent fraudulent transactions and other illegal activities and protect the rights and property of The Right Pillar and others; and
  • Carry out any other purpose described to you at the time the data was collected.

     Marketing Choice

When you sign up for a promotion like a sweepstakes, or subscribe to or create an Account to use our Services, we use your personal data to help us decide which products, services and offers may be of interest to you. We will send marketing messages to you if you have asked us to send you information, bought goods or services from us, or if you provided us with your details when you entered a competition or registered for a promotion. If you opt out of receiving marketing messages, we may still send you non-promotional emails, such as those about your Account or our ongoing business relations. We will ask for your consent before we share your personal data with any third party for direct marketing purposes.

     Sharing your personal data

In general, your personal data will remain with The Right Pillar but we may share personal data about you as follows or as otherwise described in this Privacy Policy.

  • With vendors, consultants, and other service providers who process your data on our behalf when they provide services to us, for example data analytics, research, marketing and financial services;
  • With Advertising Partners to customize your experience and better tailor the services, products, marketing and advertising on our Services and on their Third Party Sites. Our Advertising Partners are companies that provide services that help us provide advertising to you. These companies may use their own tracking technologies to collect or request information about you.
  • In connection with, or during negotiations of, any merger, sale of company assets, financing or acquisition of all or a portion of our business by another company;
  • We may be legally required to disclose or share your personal data without your consent in some circumstances, for example to comply with a court order or law enforcement. In such circumstances, we will only disclose your personal data if we have a good-faith belief that such sharing is required under applicable legal obligations.

Other Sharing

We may also share aggregated or de-identified information, which cannot reasonably be used to identify you (we do not attempt to re-identify de-identified information, except as permitted or required by law). For example, we may share aggregated or de-identified information with our ad partners and service providers so that we, and they, can understand how people use our Services; this helps us grow our business and improve and develop our products and services.

We may also share information about you along with a hashed version of your email address with our Advertising Partners so that they and we can facilitate customized ad campaigns and other offers on the Services and on other platforms.

Retaining your personal data

 We keep your personal data for as long as we need it for the purposes for which it was collected.

 When we decide how long we will keep your information we consider the amount, nature, and sensitivity of the personal data, the potential risk of harm from unauthorized use or disclosure, why we need it, and any relevant legal requirements (such as legal retention and destruction periods).

 We may anonymize your personal data (so that it can no longer be associated with you) for research or statistical purposes.

       Social Media Platforms and Other Third-Party Sites

 Our sites and apps may include links to third-party sites, apps and social media platforms (“Third-Party Sites”). Clicking on those links may allow third parties to collect or share data about you. We do not endorse or control Third-Party Sites, each of which are governed by its own terms of service and privacy policy. We encourage you to read their privacy policies and terms so that you understand how they process information about you. We are not responsible for any damages or other harms that may arise when you leave The Right Pillar and interact with Third-Party Sites. Please take all protections necessary to protect yourself when accessing Third-Party Sites, particularly when downloading content or making purchases.

 The Services may offer social sharing features and other integrated tools, which let you share actions you take on our Services with your friends or the public on social media platforms. We also use the analytics tools provided by the social media platforms to help us to understand how people interact with our social media presence, to identify trends and to carry out joint promotional activities with those platforms. For example, sometimes we agree with a social media platform that we will jointly promote certain content.

 We receive aggregated statistical information from social media platforms about the performance of our posts and promoted content, such as numbers of views and kinds of viewers. This data is aggregated and anonymized by the social media platform before it is given to us.

 We also use the paid advertising and paid content tools provided by the social media platforms to help us carry out advertising campaigns for our advertisers and to promote our content on the social media platforms. For example, we use the “Promoted Pins” tool on Pinterest to promote editorial or paid content to visitors to Pinterest. Again, we only receive aggregated statistical information from the social media platforms. This is information about interactions with our ads and paid content, such as number of views, number of times shared and so on.

 We process information provided to us by the social media platforms on the basis of our legitimate interest in interacting with our audience on social media and using social media to promote our content.

      Cookie policy

What Are Cookies?

Cookies are small data text files that are used to identify your computer or device online. When you visit a website, a cookie is created and stored on your hard drive so that that website can recognize you while you are on that website. Some cookies are “session-based,” which means they disappear once you leave the website. Others are “persistent,” which means they are stored on your device until you delete them and they allow a website to recognize you each time you visit the website. Cookies are just one technology used to collect information online. A “web beacon,” also known as a tag, pixel tag, or clear GIF, is also used to transmit information back to a web server. When you interact with our mobile apps we may use SDKs, which act like cookies, or we may use other identifiers to help us identify your device. When we talk about “Cookies” in this Privacy Policy, we mean not just cookies, but web beacons, SDKs and similar technologies.

What Types of Cookies are on the Services?

  • First Party Cookies. Our Services use our own cookies to recognize you and remember you as a unique user.
  • Session Cookies remember you during your session on our Services. They are deleted when you log out of the Services and when you close your web browser. We use session Cookies to ensure content is displayed correctly on the Services, to balance and monitor load on our servers, and for other technical matters essential to the operation of our Services. You can configure your device to reject these cookies, but our Services will probably not work correctly, or at all, if you do.


  • Consent cookies are used by our consent management platform we employ to record your preferences about third party cookies described below, and to store and share your preference with those third parties. These cookies are essential for compliance with the legal obligations imposed on us and on third parties with whom we have a business relationship to ensure we request your consent, record your consent preferences, and act on such consent preferences.


  • Analytics cookies. Analytics cookies are used by us and by third parties who process data for us for data analytics purposes (for example Google Analytics) so that we can manage and improve the performance and design of our Services and for monitoring, auditing, research and reporting. We have activated Google’s IP anonymisation function on our Sites. This will cause your IP address to be cut by Google within Member States of the European Union or in other countries party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area before being transmitted to the USA. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be transmitted to a Google server in the USA and shortened there. On our behalf, Google will use this information to evaluate your use of the Sites, to compile reports on Site activity and to provide us with other services relating to website and internet use. The IP address transmitted by your browser in the context of Google Analytics is not merged with other Google data. With respect to Google Analytics, you can read about how Google uses data gathered for that purpose here.


  • Third party cookies: advertising and affiliate links. Our Advertising Partners and our affiliate links partners collect personal data from you for the purposes they disclose through our cookie consent management platform.
    • Advertising Partners include ad networks such as third party ad servers, ad agencies, ad technology vendors and research firms.
    • Affiliate links partners pay us when you buy things from them or another third party after clicking on an affiliate link in our content.


Our Advertising Partners use third party cookies to serve ads to you and to target you with tailored (or personalized) ads when you are using the Services and when you visit Third-Party Sites. They also use cookies to measure traffic on the Services (for example to track ad views).


Advertising Partners and affiliate links partners may view, edit or set their own cookies on your mobile device or web browser when you interact with our Services. They use cookies to track your use of our Services and your activities elsewhere online. We provide links to their privacy policies in our consent management platform, which you can access by clicking here.


What Information do Cookies Collect?

Cookies and similar technologies allow us to collect the following types of personal data: a unique ID assigned to your device; IP address; device and browser type; operating system; referring URLs; content viewed or other actions taken through our Services; time and date of those actions; country and language selected.


What Choices Do you Have?


Browsers and devices have tools that allow you to disable Cookies. If you disable Cookies you may not be able to access all the features of our services. We suggest that you keep our essential cookies active for a better user experience and to help us keep improving and developing our products and services.


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